Thursday, January 2, 2014

Turn Water into Ice Instantly...with a Jolt.

Turn Water into Ice...with a Jolt. --BusinessInsider
BusinessInsider: "The secret is supercooling the water first. To supercool something, it has to reach a temperature below its freezing point while staying in a liquid form. Normally when water drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it freezes and turns into ice.

But if the water is pure enough and there aren't any imperfections in the container holding it, the water will get stuck in its liquid state. That's because ice crystals need what's called a nucleation point in order to form. This nucleation point can be any kind of impurity in the water, like a speck of dust. Then, the ice crystal is the starter for more ice crystals — expanding the crystals exponentially.

This supercooled liquid state is not very stable either. All it takes is a jolt to align water molecules in a way that make the ice crystals start forming. They fill the entire bottle in seconds:"

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